In observance of the holidays, Agilent CrossLab/iLab Operations Software Support Help Desk will be closed during U.S. hours on Monday, February 17th, 2025. We will resume regular U.S. support hours on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. For urgent matters, please add "Urgent" to the ticket/email subject or press "1" when prompted to escalate a call on the iLab Support phone, and we will prioritize those requests first.

Rutgers University Molecular Imaging Core (RUMIC)

Overview of Services

The Rutgers University Molecular Imaging Core (RUMIC), located within the vivarium of the RWJMS Research Tower (Busch Campus), provides imaging resources for the non-invasive evaluation of structural features and biological processes in living systems, disease models, ex vivo organs and preserved specimens. Physical objects (e.g., biomaterials, viscous fluids, ice crystals, assembled electronics, polymers, medical devices, etc.) can also be evaluated. Comprehensive imaging modalities for the basic and preclinical sciences include MRI, PET/CT, microCT, nanoCT, Optical/X-ray Imaging and High-Resolution Ultrasound/Echocardiography. Image reconstruction, animation, 3D displays and quantitative image analysis can be conducted at RUMIC workstations or via remote access to advanced VivoQuantTM software. The Core is located within an animal holding facility for serial imaging, anesthesia, surgery, animal treatment and veterinary care. In addition to consultation and experimental services, the Core offers periodic training and conducts research to improve existing imaging technologies. Our mission is to empower Rutgers investigators by promoting independent use of the imaging systems, however expert assistance is available. The RUMIC is comprised of the Director, Dr. Ed Yurkow, Asst. Dir./Manager & MRI Specialist Derek Adler, CT Imaging Specialist Patricia Buckendahl, and a Project Research Associate, Sean Wang (In Vivo Studies/Animal Surgeon). For scheduling RUMIC tours and imaging sessions contact Derek Adler at To arrange independent or collaborative projects contact Ed Yurkow at 

The Advanced Preclinical Imaging Laboratory (APIL), located within the vivarium of the Medical Sciences Building (MSB), provides imaging services to invesitigators on the Newark Campus. The in vivo imaging modalities supported by the APIL includes a PET/SPECT/CT imaging system, a 1T MRI as well as a microCT for high resolution scanning of ex vivo samples (i.e., isolated bones, contrast enhanced tissues & organs) and physical objects. The APIL is networked with the RUMIC and shares contrast agents, high end imaging analysis software was well as an extensive archive of workflow and sample processing SOPs. For scheduling APIL tours, imaging sessions and training, or to discuss / arrange independent or collaborative projects contact Sushil Tripathi (APIL Manager) at

The RBL CT (X-Cube) Imaging Resource is located in Rm1181 of the RBL-BSL3 laboratory providing imaging services to ICPH investigators. The X-Cube allows for fast whole-body mouse and rat CT imaging at extremely low x-ray doses with excellent soft tissue contrast. A single, 7-minute scan can yield qualitative and quantitative information related to body composition (fat/muscle/bone), global skeletal and isolated bone mineral density, lung volume/fibrosis/emphysema with digital organ biopsy capabilities. If contrast agents are utilized, information related to heart function (i.e., digital ECHO) and volumes of various vascular compartments can be determined including the volume and structure of the vascularity of the brain, lung and kidneys.

 Grant Support: The RUMIC, APIL & RBL offer a wide variety of items to support imaging studies proposed in grant applications including: 1) Letters of Support; 2) Text for Facilities & Equipment and Vertebrate Animal Sections; 3) Biosketches and; 4) low- or no-fee POC and feasibility images for R21 submissions. For Grant Support, select the "Request Services" tab above and click "initiate request" (green arrow). Fill out the PI info and then click "Proceed". Scroll down, select Grant Support and complete and save the request form. Our staff will address your request promptly. 

IACUC Protocols: Do you want the RUMIC/APIL/RBL to provide imaging support for your in vivo studies? If so, we have assembled a library of pre-written text describing animal handling, imaging techniques and procedures for each of our imaging modalities to cut & paste into your IACUC protocol. We also help coordinate transport of animals between vivaria for housing during imaging projects.


Edward Yurkow Director (RUMIC) 848-445-1405 675 Hoes Lane (West), Piscataway, NJ 08854
Derek Adler (Scheduling Contact) Asst.Dir. (RUMIC) 848-445-1563 675 Hoes Lane (West), Piscataway, NJ 08854
Sushil Tripathi Manager (APIL) 973-972-8202 MSB (Rm#A509),185 S. Orange Ave., Newark, NJ 07103


Location and hours of operation


 M-F, 9am-5pm 


Links and Resources

Rutgers University Molecular Imaging Core Website 

Rutgers iLab User Manuals

Rutgers iLab Video Tutorials

Rutgers iLab FAQs


675 Hoes Lane (West)

Piscataway, NJ, 08854






Name Role Phone Email Location
Edward Yurkow
Director (RUMIC)
675 Hoes Lane (West), Piscataway, NJ 08854
Derek Adler (Major Scheduling Contact)
Asst.Dir./Manager (RUMIC)
675 Hoes Lane (West), Piscataway, NJ 08854
Sushil Tripathi
Manager (APIL)
MSB (Rm#A509),185 S. Orange Ave., Newark, NJ 07103